Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Assignment #4

Dear Abby,
          I have this friend, his name is Richard, and he's smart and manipulative. He feeds the people who think they're his friends lies, then turns around an stabs them in the back. Some say he's crazy. As a matter of fact he probably is. He's deformed  and doesn't think women are interested in him, but what he lacks in looks he gains in knowledge.Me and him are so alike in so many ways. He has killed family and friends to get to where he wants to be in the royal family. He is king! I'm concerned because I'm his right hand man and I'm afraid that he's going to turn his back on me, or kill me when I least expect it. I've been there for him since the beginning and been very loyal, but lately I've been listening to the my conscience. I don't want to have anymore blood on my hands. What should I do?

Dear Buckingham,
         He does sound like some one u should be concerned about. I would be afraid too if I was you. I respect that you finally reached your limit of killing people. Even though it wasn't right in the first place you have realized that you don't want to do it anymore. To me it seems like you two have a very strong relationship ,but if he is going to want you to kill people he isn't a good friend.You've sat with him through thick and thin, and if he is going to kill you he is not a real friend. My advise to you is to get out of there quick, and I hope he has not killed you yet. If he has, it seems to me that someone is going to do the same wrong that he has done to others. Listen to your conscience and do what feels right.
                           Your Friend,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Assignment #3

Two topics I want to talk about from reading Act 3 Scene 1-7. The first is how Richard has everything planed out so cleverly. I also want to talk about Lord Hasting ,and how he thought how Richard was a good person when he also knows he's a backstabber. 

I want to talk about Edward price of Wales. I want to talk about Edward ,because he is the right full heir to the yet he's not pronounced as king.

"Those that are... won't live long" is a foreshadowing in the book either he will be killed or Richard is going to kill his nephew.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Assignment #2

Pg.107 Act 2, Scene 1
"What blessed work, ... for my humbleness."
     The importance of this passage, Richard makes peace with everyone that hates him. He did this in front of King Edward IV before he died. It's very important and when I think about this passage I see him secretly making his way up to the throne. He ends up betraying Rivers and Grey. So he can kill Price Edward, of Wales. He in prisons Rivers and Grey when he finds out that they are going to be guarding the price to escort him to get him crowned.

Pg. 125 Act 2, Scene 2
"The king get along."

      The importance of this passage, Richard states that the king made them agree to get along before he died, and he is tricking Rivers and everyone else into thinking that he is going to follow up with the agreement they had with King Edward. They believe him of course he knows how to lie quite well , and by doing so he waits till everyone leaves to talk with Buckingham(his partner in crime).Buckingham tells him first that they need to be part of the group that assist Prince Edward to the crowning. Richard agrees, and tells Buckingham he will the the one to assassinate Price Edward to kill him.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Assignment #1

             The Characters throughout Act One Sences 1-4 of Richard III are Richard, Clerence, Brakenbury, Hasting, Anne, Gentleman, Rivers, Grey, Queen Elizabeth, Buckingham, Stanley, Queen Margaret, Dorset, Cateby, First Murderer, Second Murderer, and Keeper. The sences take place in 4 diffrent places. In Sence 1 it doesn't really say where it takes place so I think it takes place in the Castle. In sence 2 it takes place out side the castle. Scene 3 takes place in the castle near King Edward IV room. Scene 4 takes place in Jail. The conflict of the story is Richard is trying to get to be king and has to kill anyone who gets in his way. My first prediciton is that Richard is going to become king. My second predicition is that Richard is going to be assasinated once he becomes king.